Summer Staples: Denim Jacket Edition

Summer Staples: Denim Jacket Edition

Denim Jackets

Denim jackets are a timeless staple that everyone should have at least one of in their wardrobe. No one can say that they don’t like denim jackets, as there are just so many shapes, styles, colours, fits (the list goes on), there really is a denim jacket out there for everyone! Denim jackets are something we gravitate towards in the summer months, as they make the perfect layering piece. We want to give you the perfect guide as to how to style, customise and transition your denim jacket to make it wearable the WHOLE year round.

How to Style for Summer

We aren’t exaggerating when we say that you really can chuck a denim jacket on with any outfit, however, the type of denim jacket you choose to wear can have a massive effect on the style of your outfit. If you are going for light, put-together and summery vibes, a well fitted, blue denim jacket (even cropped if you can find one) is going to be best. However, if you want that thrown-on, effortless look, maybe for going to something more casual where you just need another layer, an oversized and less fitted denim jacket is going to be more appropriate. Finally, if you’re wanting that super cool, grungy style, a very distressed and really oversized denim jacket is the one for you! It’s also worth mentioning that there is the option of sleeveless denim jackets, which are great for layering over summer outfits.

How to Customise

As a denim jacket can be such a staple in everyone’s wardrobe, it’s a piece you really want to make look your own and one of a kind. Like any other item of clothing, there are plenty of ways to customise your jacket, such as sewing on badges, adding diamantes and/or studs, painting/ drawing designs on etc. However, the best and simplest way to make your denim jacket personal to you is to WEAR it. Or wear it in to be specific. To speed up this worn-in look, you can distress it by fraying the edges and putting it through the wash a few times to fade the dye and stop it looking “too new”. You can also of course find some really cool second-hand ones that will already look well-worn from living a whole life with someone else.

How To Transition into Colder Months

Denim jackets are not just for summer, though they do give off a summery feel. Why not carry those happy, summer vibes into the colder months? This is where having a slightly oversized (or very oversized if that’s your style) denim jacket can come in handy. Try layering things like hoodies and sweatshirts underneath your denim jacket. You can even layer bigger coats over the top of your denim jacket! Layering in the winter months is a great way of, not only staying warm, but looking effortless and getting plenty of colour and style into your outfits. Also, we can’t forget about all the blanket and borg-lined denim jackets out there, which are perfect for the winter months.